
Archive for the ‘gab’ Category

three random thoughts

I think the media is creating a self fulfilling prophecy.  They keep talking about the Recession.  I don’t know the actual reality of whether we are headed into a recession or not, but all this talk about it creates a reality in the public minds, causing panic, and eventually a recession.  Thats my small minded opinion on the matter. I of course refuse to believe it, because we have a house to sell!

Why is it when I try to be involved in teaching my kids, doing a lot of reading, and whatnot, I tend to get resistance.  But when I hand the kids a small packet of school and tell them they need to be self directed for a time, while I work on the house, they are excited, motivated and get all their work done?

I am busy looking through decorating magazines, getting brilliant ideas. The reality is that I need a lot of help in the decorating department and when it is time to put the new house together I will be asking everyone I know to help me because I cannot create a look I want. In fact most of the time I cannot decide on a look.


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Random things

On the way home from our quick trip we had a brief but interesting encounter. My friend and her two children were in the car with us and while she was on the phone (I was driving) we both notice this huge animal cross right in front of us. I needed to break, but I was far enough away to not have an accident. At first I thought it was an enormous dog, but as it ran across the road we both realized it was a BEAR. I have never seen a real bear in the wild before so this we exciting. We both yelled and were stunned for quite a bit afterwards.

The other random thing that happend in the last couple of days was when I was at a craft store with Pixie. We noticed a commotion towards the front of the store and hear the word ‘fire’. We walk to the front and saw that the car two spaces away from mine was on FIRE. We watched the fire engine come and the firemen put out the fire. So random huh?

Well, tomorrow is the first day of PS around here but for us homeschoolers, we are going swimming! We will hit some of the books on Wednesday. I am still waiting for a box of books to come in the mail. I can’t wait to get my hands on them.


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theme issues

Hi, I am messing with the template which I realized that wordpress is not that flexible. I will hopefully be back to normal, whatever that might be, soon.



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Cleaing the car

That is what I did today and you know what?  It took me ALL day.  It was messy, dirty and stinky.  How does it get so bad?  I really dislike cleaning the car, and I am all for male and female roles in which the male of the family is in charge of cleaning the vehicles.  Hubby doesn’t go for that though. He figures, I drive it, the girls and I make the mess, I clean it.  In fact if he were clean it he would get mad.  He isn’t mean at all, but really grumpy. He loves cars and loves to keep them nice and neat. He gets frustrated that we can let it get so scummy.  We thought we would have the rule of no food in the car.  Tell me moms, how possible is that for you?   I really don’t like cleaning the car and I can’t remember when I actually washed a car that didn’t involve driving through a garage with water and soap shooting down.  But, I am glad I did it. It looks so nice inside now I don’t mind getting in and taking it for a drive.  Oh, and I didn’t wash the outside, just the inside.  I will take the punch card and the car to the car wash tomorrow!


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rambling thoughts

So who has checked out Google Earth for the first time? Did you like it?

Who has great 4th of July plans? We have plans for the evening but nothing for the day time, except to grill hotdogs, per the girls request.

Who has had three really bad nights sleep in a row? I have.

So yesterday I was watching the girls play in the backyard and what a saw were two bicycles parked side by side and with a pile of moss and grass and dirt behind them. Princess was scooping it up with a pitchfork and holding her nose and saying “that stinks”. I died laughing when I realized what they were doing. The bikes were horses and she was mucking out the stable. What a hoot. Well, I guess when you can’t have a horse you do the next best thing.

I finished a book tonight that wiped me out. It is called Saint Ben by John Fischer. It was a really good book but with a very sad ending that had me literally sobbing. Now my eyes are puffy and I can’t see straight. Now I am reading the sequel called “The Saints’ and Angels’ Songs”. I have been reading a lot of books lately, mostly because there is nothing on tv worth watching.

Still plugging away at school. We will take a break when our exchange student gets here. We will be participating in many of the field trips and activities. We are all looking forward to it because it will be like having a vacation without leaving our home. It will be much cheaper too.

My struggle of the week: discontent


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Will this day never end?

It was the never ending day.  We got up early to go to the early service so the girls could attend Sunday School.  We usually go to the late service in which there is no SS, because we can’t seem to get up early enough, but since the girls really want to attend SS we are making a grand effort to be at church on time.  So, up at 7:30, church by 9:00, home by 11:00.  Then what?  Nothing!  Fiddle here, pull weeds there, read a book, watch tv, eat, eat some more and on and on and on. It felt like the day would never end.  I know I should rejoice in the day that the Lord has made, but honestly I was just tired of today.  It’s nearly over and I am going to bed. Hoping for not such a long day tomorrow.


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Today I am back

I have no idea why my internet connection is working today.  Maybe it takes three days after rebooting it?  I was on the phone for 45 minutes with techie people trying to figure out why I wasn’t connecting. They determined that my modem was broken.  Today however as I was listening to my itunes I noticed my email popping up. Lo and behold I am online.  Go figure.  Who knows what tomorrow will bring. Today, we do research on changing internet providers. We need to find a way to cut our costs down and I know I can find it cheaper, although it still must be fast.  I am a bit spoiled that way. Once you get hi-speed, it is nearly impossible to go back.

On another note- the weather is beautiful, the garden is still alive and I am working on small cleaning/organizing projects around the house. It sure feels good to get some stuff taken care of/put away/thrown out!


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Golden Kitty

This week I decided to take my cat into the vet for a check up.  She had been losing weight and vomiting. I thought for sure something was wrong with her. I did not expect that she would have a mass in her intestines.  After x-rays they found out that she had a large wad of what looked like rubber bands.  So we elected to have them remove them. She is a healthy cat other than her appetite for things of the hair band/ribbon nature.  Believe me when I say I would never have thought I could spend so much on a cat. However, my conscience would not let me have Lucy put to sleep. She is the best cuddly, people loving cat. In fact I am pretty sure she thinks she is part human, which is fine by me.  (My other cat thinks she is a dog.)  Well, what would you do if you were faced with a decision like this?


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This is the day

I turn 40. Yep- the big 4-0!  It feels weird.  Especially as the age between myself and my parents seem to get closer and closer. When I was a little girl I used to visit my grandma.  She looked like a grandma. She had short white hair, and carried the little black purse.  She went to town once a week to have her hair done, and it stayed that way until the next appointment.  When I calculate her age at that time, she was in her 40’s.  What a strange thought, as I am not even close to looking like a grandma, nor being one since my girls are still little.  I know 40 is not really old these days, but it still feels weird to not be able to say I am thirty something!

This morning my girls bought me breakfast in bed with home made birthday cards.  In one is this poem by my oldest (9).

In the month of May

when the flowers sway

it is hard to say mean words

beacause outside you hear the cheerful little birds.

Dear Mom, have a wonderful birthday with cheerful little girls and birds.

Then I proceeded to get up and dump the full glass of cold water on myself and bed.  That was a shock.  The rest of the day includes lunch out with some very special ladies whom I am priviledged to call my friends, then dinner at my inlaws.


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One of the many benefits of this weekend are many photos, including those in my new header. My girlfriend is gifted behind the camera and she was willing to take many photos of me and the kids and create this little gem for me. I wish I could take photos like she does, but I realize that not only does it take skill in the usage of a camera, but an eye to see the world a little bit differently. I do not have either of those skills. If you want to see more great fun photos go to literarygirl and click on My Day. You will see photos from others as well. If I can snap out of lazy mode, I will get some photos uploaded and share a few.


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