
Archive for the ‘friends’ Category

A new blogger

Hello —

A long time ago there was this family that lived in my town. A husband, wife, and three beautiful blond (ish) children. They lived here for several years, and then moved very far away-to the other coast. While they lived here we were mere acquaintances. Since they have moved we have kept in touch sporadically through emails. I have always enjoyed our email conversations and am thrilled to share that she has finally started a blog of her own. Please take a minute to go say hi. She is a very good writer with lots of wisdom and I am sure we will all be blessed as she journals her life and walk.


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I love surprises!

I have a dear friend who moved way far away to Indiana.  Thankfully the distance hasn’t kept us from keeping in touch.  She has a new calendar for this year, and with it comes a postcard for each month. She tears it out and sends it to me each month. Oh, she writes in it too. How fun is that, that I actually get a written letter sent snail mail.  I had no idea that those would become so special.  We email, and occasionally talk on the phone. Oh, and I did actually find a notecard and mailed it to her too.  She is my decorator friend. She is who I go to for advice and she is the one who redoes my fireplace mantle, because I cannot seem to make it look nice.  So you can imagine going through all this house renovations, and buying a new/old house that needs work too and not having my go to decorator friend living in the same town as I do.  You can imagine how you just don’t get the same effect looking at pictures on the computer of a room that is so small that I have to stand outside of it to take a picture, and then take 5 different angles just to get the entire room.  It was a strange thought to write in her last letter that it is likely that she will neither see the changes made to this house, but that she won’t step foot in it again.

Then today happened.  My other dear friend called up and said, “it’s wet and cold outside and how would you like me to bring you a Starbucks?”  How could I possibly say no?  I can’t.  So she shows up a few minutes later and guess you jumps out from behind her back?  Yep—my decorator friend.  Can you hear the squealing of delight, and the yells of “what are you doing here?”  So, not only did she get the grand tour of our home renovations, she also got the tour of the new house.  I definitely like surprises like this!


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